COD: Black Ops II final DLC revealed

Apocalypse, the last installment of downloadable content for Call of Duty: Black Ops II has been revealed. 

There are four new multiplayer maps, two of which are new. There’s Pod, which takes place on a Taiwanese cliff side through lots of residential pods, and there’s Frost which is a snow covered European city. The other two maps are reworked versions of Stadium from the original Black Ops’ First Strike DLC (Takeoff)  and Courtyard from World at War (Dig).

There also looks to be a big addition to the game’s Zombies mode, which is called Origins.

Apocalypse introduces Origins to the Zombie’s mode, and features the original cast. The origins of Zombies lore will be touched upon and new power ups will also be featured.

Not content with that, there’s also a 1000 foot  robot to players to take on, making Origins different from the previous content offered in Zombies mode.

Apocalypse will be free for Black Ops II Season Pass holders and will be available on XBox Live on August 27th.