Harrison Ford sees potential in Indy 5.

Despite now being 71, Harrison Ford is still up to return to our screens as Indiana Jones should the opportunity arise.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Ford stated that he wouldn’t be against the idea of donning that fedora hat in the future.

“We’ve seen the character develop and grow over a period of time and it’s perfectly appropriate and okay for him to come back again with a great movie around him where he doesn’t necessarily have to kick as much ass,” the actor explained. “To me, what was interesting about the character was that he prevailed, that he had courage, that he had wit, that he had intelligence, that he was frightened and that he still managed to survive. That I can do.”

Following the fourth installment’s commercial success, taking almost $800million on a $185million budget, a fifth film could be a possibility, at least financially. Whether Spielberg or Lucas would be interested in returning is debatable, especially with Lucas’s wanting to concentrate on smaller films and Spielberg being tied up with other projects.

Whether fans will want a fifth outing is another question, particularly after divided opinions on the fourth film.


Source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/film/film-news/10224920/Harrison-Ford-Indiana-Jones-could-return.html

Star Wars Episode VII casting call leaked

If you’re around the UK, an actor and looking to be in the new Star Wars film then your luck may be in, if you fit into one of categories below, all of which were leaked yesterday.

Deadline.com confirmed the casting notices, as detailed below:

A young man aged between 20 and 25, witty and smart, fit but not classically handsome,

Man in late twenties, also fit, but this one is handsome and confident.

Late teenage girl, independent, good sense of humour, also… physically fit.

Second young female, also late teens, tough, smart and physically fit.

Man in his forties, obviously physically fit, this one is a military type.

A man of around thirty or so, this one is an intellectual type.

Finally, a guy aged around seventy, strong opinions and tough.

We don’t know if these details provide any hints to the new films’ plot, as none are particularly specific, but the news may aid fans in theorising over who and what will be involved. We already know that Carrie Fisher, Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford have signed up to reprise their roles.

Star Wars Episode VII is due to be released in 2014.

Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/19/star-wars-episode-vii-casting-calls_n_3467258.html